The IEC concluded its activity in 2019.
The website will not be further updated.
Intermediate results
18 October 2017

Entre productivité et resocialisation

18 October 2017
From mid October 2017, IEC researchers will be publishing working papers at regular intervals. The working papers are academic texts in which the researchers present their interim findings. The papers provide an insight into the ongoing research and will be fundamental to the final publications. They are aimed at members of the public who have an interest in the topic and, particularly, at other researchers. The texts are only available in their source language.
From mid October 2017, IEC researchers will be publishing working papers at regular intervals. The working papers are academic texts in which the researchers present their interim findings. The papers provide an insight into the ongoing research and will be fundamental to the final publications. They are aimed at members of the public who have an interest in the topic and, particularly, at other researchers. The texts are only available in their source language.


Ce texte traite un aspect central des mesures de coercition à des fins d’assistance: la mise au travail dans les établissements d’internement à travers l’exemple de Bellechasse. Le travail est considéré à la foi comme un moyen de rééducation des personnes et comme une source de revenus destinée à financer les établissements. Cette double fonction engendre-t-elle des tensions au quotidien dans sa mise en œuvre ou est-elle au contraire une manière d’obliger les personnes à accepter les contraintes et la pénibilité du labeur?

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27 Nov. 2017
Prof. Dr. Martin Lengwiler Der strafende Sozialstaat From mid Oc­to­ber 2017, IEC re­searchers will be pub­lish­ing work­ing pa­pers at reg­u­lar in­ter­vals. The work­ing pa­pers are aca­d­e­mic texts in which the re­searchers pre­sent their in­terim find­ings. The pa­pers pro­vide an in­sight into the on­go­ing re­search and will be fun­da­men­tal to the fi­nal pub­li­ca­tions. They are aimed at mem­bers of the pub­lic who have an in­ter­est in the topic and, par­tic­u­larly, at other re­searchers. The texts are only avail­able in their source lan­guage. Learn more
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27 Apr. 2017
Independent Expert Commission (IEC) on Administrative Detention Preliminary findings workshop On 18 January 2017, the Independent Expert Commission (IEC) on Administrative Detention held its first preliminary findings workshop. A summary of the presentations given at the workshop and of the discussions that followed is now available here. Learn more
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